
Reported On: 04 January 2023
Reported By: Ken Moo

Sold On: SaaSmanta

Founder: Gabor Koncz

Users started to report issues with Automizy's performance and lack of updates. In 2021, it was reported that one of the co-founders, Norbert Zsíros, had left the company, leaving many users concerned about the future of the platform.

Issue Reported: 

Company Closure

What Went Wrong

Automizy is an email marketing automation platform that helps businesses create and send personalized email campaigns to their subscribers. The company was founded in 2014 by Gabor Koncz, a marketer based in Hungary.

Automizy was launched on SaaSMantra, a popular platform for software deals, and quickly gained popularity among the early adopter community. The company’s lifetime deal was offered for a one-time fee of $49, which gave users access to Automizy’s basic features, as well as any future updates.

The Company Founder and CEO Gabor Koncz declare in the social media page because of heavy loss and no funding the company had to be closed. They also added that before shut down many of the employs left because the company could not provide the wages


If you visit the community, you will usually find many customer complaints but no official response from the company. As a user, this lack of communication and action can be frustrating and concerning.

So, if you’re an Automizy user, it may be time to start considering alternatives. I recommend exporting your email list and data to keep it safe. You should also check with SaaSMantra to see if you can still get a refund.

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In the fast-paced world of SaaS, it’s important to keep an eye on the companies you’re investing in and using. Don’t let yourself get stuck with a tool that’s not being updated or fixed. Keep your business moving forward with reliable tools and services.

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